Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Yorkshire terrier


A small, sturdy dog of blue and gold colouring, the Yorkie is best known for it’s full flowing tresses of a texture quite similar to human hair.Indeed, if the coat texture is correct and in not in any way cottony, many allergic people find they can tolerate with no bother.

These lovely locks do take a great deal of daily care though.
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Monday, 1 June 2009

Abyssinian Cats


The Abyssinian cat is regal in appearance, medium in size with a distinctly ticked coat.
This means that each hair has four or five bands of two different colours alternating from root to tip with a sparkling effect.
Abys are also lithe and muscular cats still retaining the look of the African wildcat, the ancestry of all pedigree cats. The A
sbyssinian' good looks personify for many people all that is natural, wild and feline in our pets.