Monday, 7 January 2008

learn about your boxer dog

Boxers (Animal Planet Pet Care Library)
Boxers (Animal Planet Pet Care Library)

List Price: $9.95
Amazon Price: $6.06

Average Customer Rating: (1 reviews)
Editorial Review: This unique guide covers the variety of sports and events that best showcase the athletic nature of the Boxer.

Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours

Customer Reviews:
Summary: Very attractive boxer breed book covers all aspects of boxer ownership and care
Content: The pages within this book have a very attractive setup which makes the book and the text very appealing to read. Nobody wants to read plain informative text, especially not children. The text is guided with clear, colorful images of both cropped and uncropped boxers (always short tails) as well as boxes containing extra information, expert advice, senior boxer tips and family-friendly tips for improving the relationships between children and their boxers.

Cynthia P. Gallagher did a very good job with this book. Although it does not look like such a big book it does contain a huge collection of information on boxers. It was a good idea to include the senior dog tips because you are not always buying a new puppy. You can adopt a dog that was left or rescued or still needs to be rescued. In the last case an appropriate book on dealing with rescue dogs will probably be necessary though. When I was little I did not like to read books but I'm sure that I would have loved to read this one. Also I'm sure no boxer lover can pass by this book after seeing the cutest, most beautiful boxer pup on the book cover, with his big, sad eyes that are watching you, asking to "please take me home".

Full review on

This site gives information about boxers; their characteristics, training, breeding, care and upkeep, and information about illnesses and ailments to which boxers are prone. If you are looking for a boxer puppy to buy or have a boxer for sale, this site will help. There are pictures of boxers and different breeds of boxers including silk boxer, brindle boxer, miniature boxer and boxer pups, and details of the show criteria of the American Kennel Club.

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