Tuesday, 17 June 2008


All about cats

Moggies: A Book for Owners of Non-Pedigree Cats
Moggies: A Book for Owners of Non-Pedigree Cats

List Price: $14.95
Amazon Price: $4.92

Average Customer Rating: (1 reviews)

Customer Reviews:
Summary: A must-have for every cat-owner or cat lover !
Content: Wether you have pure-bred cats or non-pedigree cats this is a great book. It has usefull information like general care, feeding, raising kittens, showing, health care, cat behaviour and lots of great pictures.

This website aims to tell you all you need to know about the cat. Pedigree or pet cat, rescued or purebred, understanding the unique characteristics, temperament, health issues, origins and appropriate care for your cat can only enrich your feline experience. If you have an cat for sale, adoption or surrender, if you are looking to buy or rescue kittens or a litter of cats, this website can provide information on all aspects of the cat.

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